Friday, January 7, 2011

Why I Hike

I ended up asking myself a question, why do I enjoy hiking so much? After all its hard work and accounts for a large piece of your free time. So why exactly would a guy that enjoys his couch and tv time enjoy this so much?
Well I don't think I have answered the question fully but here are a few reasons.
Freedom. The feeling almost overwhelms me on the trail that while trudging along this is as free as I can ever hope to be. With this freedom comes responsibility of course. No one else is to blame if I don't have the equipment I need, and this balance of freedom and responsibility is a lesson everyone should experience on a regular basis.
Beauty. The natural wonders found in our many State and National Parks is beyond description. For me it almost like Christmas as a child every time I round a corner and see a natural wonder that so few will ever have the pleasure of experiencing. My faith in God is always strengthened on the trail by the works of art our Creator has left for us to enjoy.
No quitting allowed. I'm not sure how anyone else feels while hiking but I know personally that constant elevation changes and distance can wear you down. The true gift of that feeling is the realization that there is no quitting unless you intend to lay down and die or even worse call for help and admit defeat. The feeling of accomplishment when completing a difficult hike is an adrenaline rush that washes away any previous doubts about completing the hike.
I'm sure I'll add many more reasons to this list as I progress, but these may always be the core of why I hike.

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